jeudi 2 juin 2011

J'ai Fais Peur

I just found out why I've been getting either loud laughs or puzzled looks whenever I said something scares me. 

All this time I'd been saying "Je fais peur" which I thought meant "I am afraid." And that was already an improvement because I used to confuse it with "fier," which means "proud."

My husband corrected me last night, saying "Je fais peur" meant "I am scary." And then I laughed for about 5 minutes, recalling all the conversations I've had in the past 8 months.

Imagine the following dialogues in French:

Friend 1: Why don't you speak french more often? 
Me: I'm scary.

Friend 2: Do you like tigers?
Me: I'm scary.

Friend 3: My illness makes me constantly think of death.
Me: You scary?

Que horror.

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